You're struggling as had as she is to “not” see it.
It’s not easy watching a parent fade. Especially when they’re vibrant and engaged in life. How much to do tell or warn family? Or do you wait for them to make their own judgement? But you know they are not spending the time and seeing. What they think was a momentary lapse, the excitement of the moment or too many distractions going on you know that’s not all it is. You know. You know by daily observation, daily conversations it’s not a lapse. It’s on going and happening more often and lasting longer. You watch the life she built slipping away. She’s alone, she’s driven everyone else away and you see yourself doing the same thing. You learned at her knee. It’s not safe to let people in. You feel you have to take it all on yourself, no help. It’s like a knife to the heart.
An interesting read showed up in my inbox today. Sometimes the message you need to hear comes from unusual sources. These past two months have been pretty tough, no support from management, constantly being second guessed, sniped at in front of other employees, having your income broadcast to all, it's just been tough. This email just reminded me everything is temporary, this will pass AND in the mean time make ART.
"The Three of Pentacles appears when our contribution is being supported and loved. Being supported in our learning is a precious gift. When angels, animals or humans arrive to encourage us for our efforts, we feel well-valued. This Pentacles' consciousness is a warm, kind, supportive energy that envelopes someone who is learning and serving at the same time. Others commend the work and its value. This allows the trainee to feel good as they give. This is a wonderful passage of an experience to enjoy. An experience of this nature improves self-esteem, causes deep relaxing in the heart, and can easily improve health. Receiving constructive acknowledgement, compliments, and caring presence nourishes the soul of a human or animal. When receiving this type of support, one feels very at home in their life. An angelic presence is often noted. Trust and faith in life grow. This support can come at work, at home, or via an organization. Are you finding yourself to be immersed in a productive activity that adds to others' work? Are you being valued by others as you go through this endeavor? The goodwill of the Three of Pentacles energy has come into your life. You likely feel profoundly well. We would love to have these kind of experiences and feelings always! Give thanks for yours, asking that this become a common occurrence for you if you like. "Ask and you shall receive!" If you are not experiencing the energy from the Three of Pentacles, interfering and melding people or other energies have disrupted your life. Your actions feel thwarted. You feel judged. Your brain feels kidnapped. Your body does not feel well. You may need to change who you are spending your time with. You may need to leave a project or job after lining up a more harmonious place of participation. You may need to build new family skills in order to become a happier group." Working on some new and exciting updates to the webstore for the painted screen kits. If you're interested in purchasing a kit before the updates are in place, email me first for some important information.
I have not been feeling creative the last few months. Too much stress at work, foot surgery and a few other personal issues going on. Well silk started calling my name the other day. I played a little bit with leaves, flowers and some rusty bits and pieces. These four little hankies are the results. There may be a video of the process at some point. By doing something, anything it gets the creative juices flowing again. How do you get out of your creative slumps?
Busy day today taking new pictures, editing them and updating my liquid oil page. Check out the new imagines by clicking on the link above.
I also FINALLY got my painted screen kits back on the site. Let me know if you find any typo's. Just booked a week at the beach for carnival. I'll be at las lajas for the whole week! Looking forward to lot's of sketching and inspiration for more paintings and lot's of hammock time. "To The Sea" is still available, contact me for details.
What a lovely day! I cooked, painted and played some music. Stepped out for a little bit to watch a football game and repeated. This week wiil be filled with more interesting happenings. I should get a call to take down my art at the Loft or maybe keep it up another month. I'll buy my ticket to Panama and a couple other nice surprises. And Saturday I got to watch my granddaughter ride in her very first equestrian event. Oh and tomorrow starts "Inktober". Very grateful for all the amazing experiences happening right now.
Paintings are up and I am ready for the show next Friday, September 7th at The Loft in Missoula, 119 West Main Street. Come on up and enjoy a little whimsy with me.
ArtistMixed Media Artist. I've been making, building and painting things ever since I can remember. I love to create art and travel That's me on the left Wahoo fishing in Honduras. I hope you enjoy my little experiments in creating. Archives
May 2024